This review takes a look at a product called Kroger Cryogenic Wart Remover. This product takes a different approach to our other top choices as it uses the freezing method to get rid of warts. We felt it important to include a product that takes a different approach to removing warts so that we can examine and compare its efficacy and convenience. The approach that Kroger Cryogenic Wart Remover takes can be compared to cryotherapy – where a wart is frozen off with liquid nitrogen. We’re not sure of the exact ingredients in Kroger Cryogenic Wart Remover as they are not listed on their site, but still the concept remains the same.
Kroger Cryogenic Wart Remover comes with a reusable applicator holder and 7 disposable foam applicators. Each foam applicator should be used only once and then thrown away. In addition, you should only do up to three treatments per wart, no more than that. Research has shown that freezing warts can definitely be effective, however it may be painful, it may also leave scarring and also, it may not work. Additionally, if you mistakenly apply this to your skin or other areas that aren’t warts, it can cause burns and permanent scars. This sounds quite risky to us.
One of the issues we had with the manufacturer’s website is that it comes across in a very confusing manner. When looking at whether they offer a satisfaction guarantee, it is very unclear. The manufacturer offers 2 delivery types called “ship” and “delivery.” With the “ship” option there is a 60-day money-back guarantee for purchases made directly from the manufacturer and a 30-day money-back guarantee for purchases made via a third party. However, with the “delivery” option there is no indication of any guarantee but states to contact them directly. This is very confusing and makes the purchase unappealing.
Cryotherapy, or freezing off a wart, is one of the most common methods tried for removing warts. Unfortunately it doesn’t always work and may leave scarring. Moreover, if your warts have already started spreading as they are extremely contagious and can multiply quickly, then it is harder to get rid of a larger amount with this method. If you manage to catch a wart that is newly formed and hasn’t yet managed to spread, then this may be more effective. In this case, the product comes with 7 disposable foam applicators, so really you have only 7 uses out of it. You cannot use this product more than three times on one wart, so if you have only one or two warts, it may be worth it. If you have multiple warts, then this product might not be enough and you will need to purchase more. This can become more and more expensive.
The product claims that the wart will fall off between 10 and 14 days after the first use. We looked to see if we could find user reviews to validate this, but unfortunately we couldn’t find any reviews online. This was extremely disheartening for us as one of the main indicators as to whether a product is effective or not is to look at actual customer reviews as we have no indication from actual customers whether this worked for them or not.
We couldn’t find any list of ingredients for this product online, so it is difficult to state whether this product is completely safe or not. We did find a warning on the packaging that if this product is not applied correctly, or applied on skin or anything else that isn’t a wart, it can cause burning and permanent scarring. One has to be extremely careful when handling a product such as this and use it with absolute caution. The manufacturer also states that it should be used 3 times at most per wart. No more than that.
This product is made in the Netherlands so there is no mention of the factories being under FDA regulations or following cGMP procedures. However, the company is a well-known company in the industry and has a list of accolades in various categories so we found it to be trustworthy.
The main positive factor about using a freezing method for wart removal is that it’s meant to be a faster process of getting rid of the wart. Unfortunately though it doesn’t always work, can be painful and cause scarring. You also need to be extremely cautious when using a product such as this because it can cause permanent damage if handled improperly. While the product itself is quite cheap, the risks associated with it don’t seem to validate the price. Additionally if you have more than two or three warts, you will need to buy multiple bottles since it comes with only 7 disposable foam applicators so you get only 7 uses out of it. When you realise it coses $10 for 7 uses, it doesn’t come across as being that cheap after all.
The information regarding a satisfaction guarantee comes across as extremely confusing on the manufacturer’s website. It is not clear at all and the various shipping and delivery options seem to only add to the confusion. Additionally, we couldn’t find any reviews online for this product which unfortunately didn’t answer our question whether this product is actually effective or not.
We felt it imperative to add a product that offers a freezing method to getting rid of warts, similar to cryotherapy since it is one of the most common practices for getting rid of warts. Unfortunately we’re not sure the risks that accompany this method are quite worth it. We recommend going with something that is natural and less dangerous.